Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

the solution for global warming

Be vegetarian
Produce CO2 and methane-laden meat and requires a lot of water. Sepertisapi cattle or goats is a major producer of methane when they digest their food. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization said meat production accounts for 18% of global warming, the whole is greater than the contribution of 13.5% of transportation in the world. Furthermore, the FAO report, "Livestock's Long Shadow" 2006 explained that livestock accounts for 16% of world gas nitrous oxide (310 times more potent than CO2) and 37% of world methane (72 times more potent than CO2). In addition, the United Nations Environment Programme, the guide book "Kick The Habit", 2008, mentions that the meat diet for each person per year accounts for 6700 kg of CO2, while the diet van per person only accounted for 190 kg of CO2. Not surprisingly, the UN's leading climate expert, who is Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, encourage people to eat less meat.

 Planting Trees
One rather large-sized trees can absorb 6 kg of CO2 per year. In seluruhmasa life, one tree can absorb one ton of CO2. EnvironmentProgramme United Nations (UNEP) reported that deforestation accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions. As we know, the trees absorb the carbon present in the atmosphere. When merekaditebang or burned, the carbon they've absorbed most of it will be released back into the atmosphere. So, think a thousand times before cutting down trees around you. Deforestation is also associated with the farm. Did you know the rain forest area the size of a football field every minute felled for cattle grazing? When you turn into a vegetarian, you can save 1 tree ha per year.

Getting Eco-Friendly
Try to walk, use teleconferencing for meetings, or pergibersama together in one car. If possible, use alternative fuel vehicles menggunakanbahan. Every 1 liter of fossil fuel is burned in a car engine accounted for 2.5 kg of CO2. Traveling by plane contributes 3-5% of greenhouse gases.

 Reduce Spending
Industry accounts for 20% of world greenhouse gas emissions and mostly from fossil fuels daripenggunaan. Types of industries that require a lot of fuel fosilsebagai example iron, steel, chemicals, fertilizer, cement, glass, ceramics, and paper. Olehkarena, do not quickly dispose of the goods, then buy a new one. Each process contributes produksibarang CO2.

 Buy Organic Food
Organic soils capture and store CO2 greater than agriculture konvensional.The Soil Association added that organic production can reduce 26% CO2yang contributed by agriculture.

 Use of Energy Saving Lamps
When you change one light in your home with energy-saving lamps, you can save 400 kg of CO2 and energy saving lamp 10 times more durable than regular incandescent bulbs.

 Use Fan
AC that uses 1,000 watts of power accounted for 650 g of CO2 per hour. Because of this, maybe you could try using a fan.

 Your Clothes Drying under Sunlight
When you use a dryer, you are issued a 3 kg of CO2. Drying clothes naturally is much better: your clothes more durable and energy use does not cause air pollution.

 Recycling Organic Waste
Garbage Disposal (TPA) accounted for 3% of greenhouse gas emissions through the methane is released during waste decomposition. By making organic compost darisampah (eg from food scraps, paper, leaves).

 Segregate Waste Paper, Plastic, and Cans that Can be Recycled
Recycle aluminum can saves 90% of energy needed to produce new aluminum cans - save 9 kg of CO2 per kilogram of aluminum! For 1 kg of recycled plastic, you save 1.5 kg of CO2, for 1 kg of paper that is recycled, you save 900 kg of CO2.


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